Wednesday, May 5, 2010

James # 23 summary

Summary of James lessons

What have we learned?

1. James stressing “faith that works” and his paradoxical statement, in 2:24, that we are justified by works and not faith only, seems to be completely contradictory to Paul’s teaching that we are justified by Grace, not by works: this caused much controversy over whether it should be included in the canon.

a. James letter provides a look into the interface between the Law and Grace
b. It was very difficult for Jews, particularly Hebraic Jews, to make this transition
c. The church faltered and almost disintegrated over whether one must be a Jew first, and secondarily a Christian

2. The letter was written by James, the brother of Jesus, about 46 AD; the first of the New Testament Canon.

a. No mention of the controversy over circumcision which came to a head at the Council of Jerusalem (about 49 AD)
b. James had became the leader and spokesman of the church after Peter fled Jerusalem.

3. It was written, primarily, to Hellenistic Jewish followers of “The Way” (later known as “Christians”) Gentiles were not yet members.

a. .Hellenistic Jews were Jews who didn’t return to Jerusalem after the various Diasporas.
b. Hebraic Jews were residents of Jerusalem or nearby regions and more diligently adhered to the letter of the law, they also participated in temple worship more consistently.

4. There was a distinct difference between the Hebraic and Hellenistic Jews.

5. Hellenistic Jews were discriminated against and were the majority of the ones persecuted and as a consequence fled from Jerusalem.

6. After his imprisonment, and miraculous escape from prison in Jerusalem, the Apostle Peter handed leader ship of the Jerusalem church to James.

7. James was a devout Jew, continuing to adhere to Temple worship.

8. Even though a practicing Hebraic Jew, James acknowledges the Deity of Christ in the opening salutation of his letter (vv1: 1 “Lord Jesus Christ)

9. James letter is more practical than Theological; emphasizing day to day Christian living.

10. James recurring theme is “Faith that works.

11. The letter begins,(vv1: 2 – 18) addressing faith and humility.

a. Rejoice when your faith is “tried”.
b. Ask for wisdom and God will give it to you.
c. One must not waver in ones faith.
d. Everyone is drawn away of their own “lusts”.
e. God gives only good gifts.
f. God “begat” us of his will.

James tells us we must hear and then be doers of the engrafted word. (1: 19 – 27)

a. A hearer of the word who does not heed it and do it is like a person who looks into a mirror and sees his debauched, wicked self but rather than being ashamed and repentant, he turns away and goes on with his wicked life.
b. We should stop, bend down, and stare intently into the word.
c. If we don’t help those in need our faith is dead.

13. We must not be partial to rich or poor. (vv2: 1 -13)

14. If we have faith it will be shown by our works.(vv2: 14 – 26)

a. Verse 14 and 24 are the two most controversial as they seem to contradict Paul’s teaching that we are justified by Grace not works.(see footnote Nelson study Bible)
b. Faith without works is dead.

15. The tongue is a dangerous thing.(3: 1 – 18)

a. Be cautious if setting out to teach.
b. The tongue is nearly impossible to control.
c. True wisdom is from God, from above; envying and strife, vain talking, is from demons.

16. Worldliness and pride.(vv4: 1 10)

a. You covet and envy and “have not because you ask not”.
b. You ask for things to satisfy your greedy, selfish, self interest and God does not answer such prayers.
c. Friendship with the world is enmity with God.
d. Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you.
e. Humble yourself in the sight of God and He will lift you up.

17. Unchristian conduct.(vv4: 11 – 17)

a. Speak not evil of one another
b. There is only one lawgiver and Judge: God.
c. Don’t arrogantly decide and declare what you are going to do in the future – God controls the future!
d. If you know to do good and don’t do it , to you it is a sin.

18. Warnings to the rich (5: 1 – 6)

a. Weep and howl you rich men!
b. You have lived in selfish, greedy, wanton pleasure and your judgment is coming quickly!

19. Patience.(vv5: 7 – 18)

a. The Lord is coming soon, justice will be administered then.
b. Let your yes be yes and your no be no.
c. Prayers of faith will save the sick.
d. The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availith much.

20. Saving an errant brother. (5: 19 -20)

a. If you can reach out and council an erring brother and turn him away from his error, you will save his soul from death.

As john MacArthur points out in his bible commentary, the complexity of James causes it to be difficult to outline with several potential methods possible; the one he provides orders the book around a series of test’s by which the genuineness of a person’s faith may be measured:
Introduction (1.1)
I. The Test of Perseverance
II. The Test of Suffering (1:2 – 12)
II. The Test of Blame in Temptation (1:13-18)
III. The Test of Response to the Word (1:19-27)
IV. The Test of Impartial Love (2:1-13)
V. The Test of Righteous Works (2:14-26)
VI. The Test of the Tongue
VII. The Test of Humble Wisdom (3:13-18)
VIII. The Test of Worldly Indulgence (4:1-12)
IX. The Test of Dependence (4:13-17)
X. The Test of Patient Endurance (5:1-11)
XI. The Test of Truthfulness (5:12)
XII. The Test of Prayerfulness (5:13-18)
XIII. The Test of True Faith (5:19, 20) (MacArthur)

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1 comment:

  1. 13For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water
